Healthy, Fresh, and Delicious!! Our fresh green bean chews are 100% natural- no additives, wheat or grain- and Lillie approved!
Great trainer treats, dogs with weight concerns treats and for an everyday healthy choice option! Coming in at less that 2 calories per bean these can be used to reward and encourage positive behavior without weight gain or health impacts.
Green beans provide your dog a high fiber low calorie treat option which help to feel full. they also provide vitamins B6,A,C,K and protien
Small bags are 0.5 oz and contain and after age of 20 beans.
Serving size varies by breed and weight. Don’t exceed more than 10% of your dogs daily diet.
Small: 1/2- 1 bean
Medium: 1-2 bean
Large: 2-3
Green Bean Crisps
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